Our scholarships are used to help defray the high cost of post-secondary education in colleges and universities both within and outside the Ohio borders.
The Foundation provides opportunities for Bedford School District teachers to apply for grants valued up to $500 for classroom projects that are not funded by the Board of Education. Five to ten grants are awarded annually.
We host multiple events each year to help further our cause. From our annual Holly Ball to our golf outing, we provide fun atmosphere where our potential donors can learn more about what we do and how their support helps Bedford students and teachers.
Students are invited back each year to a breakfast meeting, along with parents and guardians, to talk about their college experiences, academic success, and extracurricular projects. Students are selected by an application process at the end of their senior year. Graduates of Bedford City Schools and recipients of these scholarships have proven themselves to be successful, motivated, and altruistic. We applaud their success.